Dec 3Edited

It's all shades of gray and a balance. And some things work for a while and then stop working. Take the magic formula by Joel Greenblatt for example. I have never used it but it looks like it worked at some point, maybe it still does, I don't know. There's no thinking there. There is also the dogs of the Dow strategy, which also seemed to work. Then there are those who are all about the story, those that are all about the numbers. The market does not really care. You invest in stocks rather than the index, sooner or later punishment is around the corner because we all miss a detail in the story or a detail in the numbers. And yet, we still do it because something pulls us to it, rather than to the indices. It's that 140% with a paper company and another 111% with a cardboard company as in my case. But the punishment I mentioned, it happens too, to everyone!, no matter how "pro" they are.

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Personally, I prefer not to assign labels. Most of us are undoubtedly a blend of the qualities you've mentioned, along with many others that can't be easily categorized, simply because people are extraordinarily complex.

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I fully agree with you that people are complex, and this was my attempt to create a path that is most common. The goal of the post is to be informative and allow the readers to figure out what are the next steps in their journey.

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